Correlation between innovative development and implementation of smart specialization in Vinnytsia region was discussed by experts

On November 17, 2020, a round table on the topic: “Innovative development of Vinnytsia region and smart specialization: status and problems” was held online.

Representatives of Vinnytsia City Council, Vinnytsia Regional State Administration, Vinnytsia Regional Development Agency, Vinnytsia Municipal Center of Innovation, Vinnytsia State Technical University, Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, leading representatives of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine took part in the event.

During the round table the experts, scientists and speakers discussed the current state of innovative development of Vinnytsia and the region, identified prospects and opportunities for effective implementation of smart specialization.

Representatives of Vinnytsia Regional State Administration noted the importance for implementation of the state strategies and developing plans, as well as individual sectoral programs. In Vinnytsia region, the Strategy of balanced regional development of Vinnytsia region for the period up to 2027 has been approved.

The team of Vinnytsia City Council presented the work of the Innovation and Technology Park CRYSTAL, the creation of which was initiated by Vinnytsia Mayor Serhii Morhunov. Despite the challenges that have arisen this year due to the spread of coronavirus infection, work on the project continues, but it will take more time to implement this project.

All participants of the round table noted the importance of the dialogue and agreed to continue exchanging information on the prospects for the implementation of innovative development projects in the region and the promotion of innovation in general.

The event was organized by the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vinnytsia Regional Development Agency and Vinnytsia Regional State Administration. The event was held in the framework of the regional development project “Development of innovation infrastructure and improvement of innovation policy of the regions of Ukraine on the basis of “smart specialization”, in which Vinnytsia region was chosen as one of the pilot regions of Ukraine.

The main goal of the project is to improve the innovation infrastructure of the regions of Ukraine and innovation policy, to establish a permanent dialogue between the subjects of innovation, implementation of the principles of “smart specialization” and new tools for implementing regional innovation policies.

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